As a fairly new church, we are still building our ministries based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the needs of those we are serving. There are no “pew warmers” at Ruach. We pray that every member is actively engaged in serving in some capacity. There is room for you to serve in any of our current ministries, but we believe that God is also raising up new leaders and workers for ministries for our youth, fine arts, teaching, communications, and much more. How does God want to use you? Let’s explore your gifts and pray about it…
Our Current Ministries
Bible Study


Weekly study of word focused on life application topical studies as well as foundational studies of scripture
Social Media
Health & Wellness

Expands the reach of our ministry through the
effective use of social media platforms

Provides activities designed to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being

Manages technology for worship and other services
Mission in the City

Outreach activities in the community
Care Ministry

Care for the needs of the congregation through prayer, support, and assistance as needed
Life application topical studies as well as foundational studies of scripture
Praying for the needs of others and delivering a prophetic word from the Lord